



The Faak is the fifth largest lake in Carinthia, south of Villach and the Drava. The western shore is natural in many parts and overgrown reeds. The holiday resorts around the Faak are mostly attended by individual tourists and have a varied holiday tourist infrastructure with hotels, guest houses, inns, apartments and campsites. There are a number of restaurants and eateries, cafes, pubs and taverns.

Many different events take place including the ruins Finkenstein and probably the most frequented is the European Bike Week (former Harley Davidson convention) in the first week of September.

There are in addition to the bathing fun a huges sports variety: Surfing, Sailing, canoeing, rowing, electric and pedal boating (motorboats are forbidden) but also golfing, hiking, climbing Kanzianiberg, tennis, volleyball and cycling around the lake and in the mountains possible. The fish in the lake is possible all year round, but rather exercised in the off season. The "reinanke" is the main fish in Faak , but also, pike, catfish and carp are caught wild.

There are many excursions, such as a visit to the Monkey Mountain or a boat trip on the river Drava, and strolling in the nearby town of Villach is announced.



Camping TEMP

Familiencamping Ferien am Walde




Kloster_WernbergA striking eye-catcher in Wernberg is the same monastery, where you can spend some quiet holidays.

Who wants to know the suroundings should take the hiking trails or get on a bike or horse and use the riding trails. You get higher up when you take a walk into the Ossiacher Tauern.

Tourist Information Wernberg
Bundesstraße 11
A-9241 Wernberg, Austria

Tel: +43 (0) 4252 3000
Fax: +43 (0) 4252 3000-41

email: wernberg@ktn.gde.atThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Finkenstein, Fürnitz-Gödersdorf

burgruine_finkensteinThe attraction of Finkenstein is Kanzianiberg, the climbing area of carinthia. Directly on the "summit" towers the castle arena Finkenstein where every summer performances occur as part of the cultural festival stars of pop, classical and cabaret. Further west you find Gödersdorf Fürnitz recommend as a starting point for your explorations.


Oberaichwald, Latschach, Ledenitzen

faak am see mit segelbootDie Kulisse des Faaker Sees wird beherrscht vom Mittagskogel, einem Feslgiganten, der sich vom südöstlichen Seeufer erhebt. Zu seinen Füßen befinden sich Orte wie Latschach, Oberaichwald und Ledenitzen. Wer hier seinen Urlaub verbringt, hat die Wahl: Lenkt er seinen Schritt in Richtung Berg oder zu grenzenlosen Badespaß am Faaker See und Aichwaldsee.

The scenery of Lake Faak is dominated by Mittagskogel, a "Felsgiganten" which rises from the southeast shore. At his feet are places like Latschach, Oberaichwald and Ledenitzen. Those who spend their holidays have a choice:  steer towards the mountain or to unlimited Fun at Faaker See and Aichwaldsee.


Egg am See

By Thomas G. Graf (w:en:User:Thomas G Graf) (photo taken by Thomas G. Graf) [GFDL ( or CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia CommonsOn the northeast corner of Lake Faak is Egg. The hotels, inns, guest houses and apartments are nestled on the one hand at the lake and on the slopes of Mount Tabor and Wauberges on the other hand. Both are excellent hiking areas. Especially the view of the lake is breathtaking.